
Steve Riley

Steve Riley

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

Mark Powers

Mark Powers, President of Atticus, has been coaching attorneys for nearly thirty years. He is the founder and developer of the first personalized training program dedicated to teaching attorneys the lasting skills and habits necessary for practice development. These skills include strategic planning, client development, customer service, prioritization, time blocking, managing interruptions, financial management, staffing, and delegation.

Shawn McNalis

Shawn McNalis is a former Imagineer with the Walt Disney Company and credits her 15-year career with Disney for her creative, collaborative approach to advising attorneys. In partnership with Mark Powers for 25 years, Shawn is a senior practice advisor, director of curriculum, and a trainer for Atticus.

Glenn Finch

For almost twenty years Glenn has worked with Atticus in matching clients with coaching programs that help them take better care of their clients, increase their incomes, decrease their stress, and achieve an overall balance in their life. As a Certified Practice Advisor, he has specialized in assisting small and medium-sized firms to break those invisible barriers, which so often prevent them from reaching the next level.

Valerie Peterson

Valerie is the Chief Executive Officer of Atticus, LLC. Prior to joining Atticus, Valerie served as the Chief Executive Officer of ElderCounsel, LLC.

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