James Joseph
Practice Advisor & Attorney
As the founder of a boutique matrimonial law firm serving clients in New York, James Joseph is a focused, hard-working attorney known for providing excellent service to a clientele that includes business owners, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.

In the middle of his career, he was forced to withdraw from the daily management of his practice due to health challenges. Thanks to a highly trained team and procedures put in place before and during the crisis, his practice continued to thrive in his absence. Now in good health, he credits his firm’s success to the coaching he received from the Atticus team.

As a result of this experience, he seeks to pay it forward by helping other attorneys develop the same level of operational excellence in their own practices. He coaches firm leaders on ways to empower their team to become less reliant on firm management so the owners can develop new business and provide excellent service all while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

To learn more about the classes he teaches, awards he’s received, and his firm’s approach to conflict resolution, you can read his full biography.

Great Practice. Great Life. Podcast

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