Shawn McNalis
Shareholder, Practice Advisor Trainer, & Curriculum Director
Shawn McNalis is a former Imagineer with the Walt Disney Company and credits her 15-year career with Disney for her creative, collaborative approach to advising attorneys. In partnership with Mark Powers for 25 years, Shawn is a senior practice advisor, director of curriculum, and a trainer for Atticus.

With Mark, she co-authored The Making of a Rainmaker, commissioned and published by the Florida Bar in 1995, and Time Management for Attorneys: A Lawyer’s Guide to Decreasing Stress, Eliminating Interruptions & Getting Home on Time, published in conjunction with the ABA in 2008, and in 2009, How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers: A Breakthrough Referral Marketing Process and Hire Slow, Fire Fast. In 2020 she wrote, Cashflow and Profitability: What Law School Didn’t Teach You About Running A Successful Law Firm.

A former columnist for Lawyer’s USA, Shawn has authored and co-authored numerous articles on law practice management that have appeared in the ABA’s Law Practice Management Magazine, Journal of the Association of Legal Administrators, ABA Family Law Section Magazine, The Florida Bar News, The Lawyer’s Competitive Edge, The Florida Bar Workers Compensation Section Journal, Family Lawyer Magazine, Attorneys At Work, and Massachusetts Bar Journal, among many others.

A faculty member of the Massachusetts Bar Association Institute in 1998 and past coach for the Orlando Sentinel’s “Career Makeover” column, she was a contributing author for the Association of Legal Administrators Online Encyclopedia, published in 2002.

Shawn has also been a featured speaker at numerous events including those for the Law Society of Scotland, the New York State Bar Association, the Florida Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association, the South Carolina Bar, and the Florida Justice Association. Currently, Shawn trains the attorney clients who’ve been selected for participation in the Atticus Adjunct Practice Advisors Program and the former law office administrators who participate in the Atticus Resource Advisor’s Program.

Great Practice. Great Life. Podcast

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