Time Management for Attorneys

Poor time management habits lead to stress, frustration and a constant feeling of being out of control. It is possible for you to take control, gain more freedom and manage your time well…if you have the right tools and strategies at your disposal.

Compiled in this book are all the time-tested techniques we have learned over the years and put into an easy-to-use guide just for attorneys. In it are real-life examples, exercises, and client case studies. Here’s a sample of a few of the strategies we cover in the book:

  • Creating a Crisis-Free Zone in your office
  • Using the Client Intake System for proper client selection
  • Implementing Block and Tackle techniques for managing interruptions
  • Employing the Designated Hitter approach to handle client communications
  • Using The Power Hour every day for focused performance and increased efficiency

These strategies, among many others, supply you with everything you need to increase your productivity, decrease your stress, and truly go home on time. Throughout our careers we have worked with many generous clients who acted as willing guinea pigs in formulating just the right approach to time management. Their success demonstrates that these strategies absolutely work. It really is possible to have a practice that serves your life instead of enslaving you. If for any reason you find that this book doesn’t live up to everything we say here, please return for a 100% money back guarantee.

Book Detail

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: ABA (2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0615187455
  • ISBN-13: 978-0615187457


Mark Chinn

Chinn & Associates, Attorney at Law

Time Management for lawyers is a must read, particularly for lawyers who feel like they are caught on the proverbial treadmill. I have worked personally with the authors for almost 15 years. I benefited from three years of weekly coaching with Shawn McNalis and this book contains everything that I have learned in those years of coaching with Shawn.

In my thirty years of experience as a trial lawyer, I have witnessed most lawyers being led around by the nose by their practices, chasing billable hours and living a life tied to the time sheet. Mark Powers and Shawn McNalis show lawyers how to prioritize their lives and maximize the use of their time. They actually show lawyers how to work less and make more! They also show lawyers how to create practices which serve them instead of the other way around. This book can be read in a matter of hours and can then serve as a resource for making life improving changes. I owe an improved business life and full family life to Mark and Shawn. Buy it, read it and re-read it.

Richard West, Esq.

West Family Law Group

I have taken a number of time management courses over the past 20 years, and this book is the first one that has tied all the different concepts together and made them specific to attorneys. When I find myself getting in trouble is when I get away from the concepts explained in the book.

Time Management for Attorneys is mandatory reading for my associates and a valuable gift for referral sources. If there’s an attorney, friend, business partner or referral source that you care about, give them this book. The best way of becoming successful is making those around you successful.

Richard West, Esq.
West, Green & Associates

Eric Goidel

Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C.

We all have the same amount of time, and enough of it. It is just that some of us utilize time much more effectively than others, argues Mark Powers and Shawn McNalis in their new book Time Management for Attorneys: A Lawyer’s Guide to Decreasing Stress, Eliminating Interruptions and Getting Home on Time. The title of the book is to some extent a misnomer, because it is much more than a book about time management. It is about adopting and adhering to personal and professional statements as to how you want to live your life both inside and outside of the office. It is about focus management and energy management, performing similar and repetitive tasks within the same block of time and performing challenging tasks at a time of day when you are at your best.

The authors also set forth a road map for unshackling you from the technician’s life at your desk, helping to turn you into an entrepreneur. This process all begins with careful client selection and educating your clients to need you, while being willing to deal with other personnel in your firm. Successful delegation, the creation of “designated hitters,” and making of “preemptive strikes,” are some of the tools taught by Powers and McNalis which will create significant free time for you to work on, and grow your business. And yes… don’t forget to use that new found time for family, hobbies, volunteerism, recreation, spirituality, and God forbid, a long vacation.

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