Kimberly Lee
Practice Advisor & Attorney
Attorney Kimberly Lee is the founder of Desert Law Group, an estate planning law firm near Palm Springs, California. In addition to managing her busy law practice, Kimberly serves as the Education Chair for the Solo Small Firm Section of the California Lawyers Association.

She is also the past President of the Desert Bar Association, as well as the past President of the Desert Estate Planning Council. Kimberly created the Financial Elder Abuse Initiative for the local Bar Association and is part of the Educating Senior Project under the California Lawyers Association.

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from University of La Verne, College of Law, Kimberly clerked for Justice Marvin R. Baxter (Ret.) at the California Supreme Court. Since her service with the Court, Kimberly has been active in her law practice which focuses on Estate Planning and Elder Law. Kimberly is a member of WealthCounsel, ElderCounsel, the Trusts & Estates and the Solo & Small Firm Sections of the California Lawyers Association and the Desert Bar Association.

Kimberly’s Great Life

In her spare time, Kimberly enjoys spending time with her family, reading, baking, and working on her many “Not Yet” projects.

Great Practice. Great Life. Podcast

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