Hire Slow, Fire Fast

At Atticus, we believe that a well run law firm allows you to help a tremendous number of people, gives you great personal freedom and offers abundant financial rewards. But your firm can only deliver on its potential if you can build a highly productive team. Hire Slow, Fire Fast provides you with an easy-to-follow system to help you first build, and then manage and motivate that team. You’ll find a comprehensive set of tools that you can use to:

  • Maximize profitability by determining the right people to hire
  • Optimize your hiring process with proper interviewing techniques
  • Assess your applicants to determine their true skill level
  • Train and motivate your new hires for maximum productivity

This system includes over 30 valuable forms including applications, assessment tests, skill tests, certificates, surveys and checklists to help you build your legal team. All of these forms, applications and checklists will be available from the book’s website once the book is released.

Note: Many of our readers have asked why the book is not available for e-readers (Kindle, iPads, etc.). This book is a working resource with a great number of practical forms and this format does not lend itself to e-readers.

Book Details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Trial Guides (2013)
  • ISBN-10: 0615845029
  • ISBN-13: 978-0615845029
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