How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers, Updated Edition

In today’s competitive landscape, it’s essential for attorneys to cultivate the marketing skills and practices necessary to attract high-value clients and referral sources.

How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers provides you with an easy, practical guide that helps you achieve these goals. In this book, you’ll find 21 Marketing Assets and 5 Marketing Habits that attorney acquire on their way to becoming successful Rainmakers.

Learn How To

  • Understand and use the right marketing channels for your firm
  • Use powerful, word-of-mouth marketing strategies to generate referrals in your community
  • Strengthen and define your Brand Identity based on your core values and firm culture
  • Set up and engaging website and maximize your use of social media to market yourself and your firm
  • Identify the Key Performance Indicators to maximize what you spend on each marketing channel
  • And much more!

This book will help you develop the marketing habits necessary to become a truly great Rainmaker.

Book Details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Atticus Ink (2024)
  • ISBN:  979-8-218-41872-4


Victor Medina

Medina Law Group LLC
I’ve been coaching attorneys for over 10 years, and between that and running a seven figure law firm, I’ve learned one immutable truth: Marketing is an essential ingredient to your success as a lawyer. The authors of this book have provided a full-spectrum discussion on every important marketing initiative that a law firm owner needs to grow and scale the practice. While I think the best advice is to implement everything in here, all at once…what’s great about this book is that you can delve into on specific marketing idea or branch and just focus on that first (and then come back to the others). I was fortunate enough to add a few ideas to this book, mostly around the intersection of tech/AI and marketing principles. But, my contributions just added perspective on the delivery of ideas that are already great and have stood the test of time. There’s no resource, but this book, for a centralized guide to outstanding legal marketing.

Brenda Geiger

Geiger Law Office, P.C.
I first read this book when it was in its first edition many years ago and credit it to helping me bring up my marketing IQ substantially. There are so many great strategies and tactics in this book that are current and relevant that could help any law firm attract more ideal clients. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to help any attorney up their game to garner a lot more new business.

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