Brenda Geiger
Practice Advisor & Attorney
Brenda is the visionary force behind Geiger Law Office, P.C., a distinguished trusts and estate planning firm in North County San Diego. As the founder and CEO, and from a lineage of business owners, Brenda brings a wealth of entrepreneurial wisdom to her practice.

As an Atticus Practice Advisor, Brenda guides firms toward success, with a keen emphasis on strategic marketing and sustainable growth. Her expertise isn’t just theoretical; she leads by example, implementing her insights within her own thriving practice.

A respected speaker, coach, and legal luminary, Brenda’s insights have graced prestigious platforms including podcasts, television, and radio. Her wisdom extends beyond the confines of her office, as evidenced by her contributions to esteemed publications such as WealthCounsel Quarterly Magazine and the San Diego International Law Journal.

Brenda’s literary contributions are as impactful as her legal prowess, with an impressive array of published works including “Secrets of Great Estate Planning, Fifth Edition” and “Estate Planning Secrets of the Affluent, Third Edition”. Her commitment to knowledge dissemination is further underscored by her comprehensive educational background, culminating in a J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law and a stint at the University of Oxford.


  • Protecting You and Your Business, a Practical Guide for California Business Owners (2013)
  • The Smart Family’s Guide to Protecting an Aging Parent from a Long Term Care Financial Crisis in California (2015)
  • Protecting Your Children’s IRA Inheritance with a Retirement Protector Trust– Second Edition (2021)
  • Safeguarding the Nest, Fourth Edition (2017)
  • Secrets of Great Estate Planning, Fourth Edition (2022)
  • Estate Planning Secrets Of The Affluent, Second Edition (2019), written with David M. Frees, III, J.D.
  • The Trustee’s Guide to Trust Administration in California (2019)


  • “Marital Planning In The Joint Trust, Balancing Income Tax, Transfer Tax and Asset Protection Concerns,” Wealth Counsel Quarterly (Volume 9/Number 3, Q3 2015)
  • “How To Protect A Beneficiary From Losing The IRA They Inherit To Creditors, Predators and Divorcing Spouses,” North County Lawyer Magazine (April 2015)
  • “Asset Protecting Your Children’s Inheritance,” North County Lawyer Magazine (August 2012)
  • “Authorization to Kill Terrorist Leaders and Those Who Harbor Them: An International Analysis of Defensive Assassination,” San Diego International Law Journal, 4 San Diego Int’l L.J. 491, Spring 2003

Legal Experience

  • Geiger Law Office, P.C. (2007 to Present)
  • Frank & Burke, Of Counsel Real Estate and Estate Planning Attorney
  • Griswold Law Group, Of Counsel Estate Planning Attorney
  • Innercool Therapies, Inc., Senior Law Clerk
  • Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP, Trademark Paralegal
  • Qualcomm, Inc., Patent Prosecution Paralegal
  • Fish & Richardson, P.C., Patent Prosecution Practices Specialist
  • Frantz, Mason & Hautaluoma, Civil Litigation Paralegal


  • University of San Diego School of Law (2004)
  • University of San Diego School of Law Entrepreneurship Clinic (2003)
  • San Diego International Law Journal, Comment Editor and Staff Writer (2001-2003)
  • University of Oxford–Magdalen College, Oxford, England (2003)
  • University of San Diego, Bachelor of Arts (1995)

Brenda’s Great Life

Hailing from the Midwest, Brenda shares her life’s adventures with her beloved husband, Len, and their cherished son and daughter, and together they enjoy soccer and travel.

Great Practice. Great Life. Podcast

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