Marc Whitehead
Practice Advisor & Attorney
Marc Whitehead is the founder of Marc Whitehead & Associates, Attorneys at Law, LLP, in Houston, Texas. As a Practice Advisor for Atticus, Marc advises and coaches other lawyers on running successful practices.

His firm is a national practice, and he has successfully litigated disability claims in 44 states and counting plus Puerto Rico. Marc dedicates his practice to disability law, specializing in long-term disability insurance denials, Social Security disability and veterans disability. He is double board certified in both personal injury trial law and Social Security disability law.

Marc has authored multiple books on the topic of disability benefit claims and litigation. He is the editor and publisher of the bi-monthly newsletter, “The Successful Barrister–Marketing, Management & Life Skills that Probably Won’t Get You Disbarred.”

He is a past president of the Houston Trial Lawyers Association (HTLA), and a member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association (TTLA). Marc is actively involved in the American Association for Justice (AAJ) where he was a past chair of the Insurance Law Section. He was also a member of AAJ’s Marketing and Practice Development Committee among many others. He donates to AAJ as a PAC Eagle and his firm is an AAJ Leaders Forum member.

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