Atticus Law Firm and Attorney Coaching Workshops

Dominate Your Market

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Do you want to be the “go to law firm” in your market?

Dominate Your Market® is an advanced coaching program that will not only transform your experience of the practice of law; but will also give you an enormous competitive advantage, one that will last a lifetime.

Do You Qualify?

This program is for already successful, entrepreneurial attorneys, who want to be the absolute “go to” attorney in their market. Not interested in the status quo, these attorneys see a big future for themselves. They are coachable, energetic, know how to make tough decisions and implement new ideas. The program is exclusive in that you must already be a highly successful practitioner to participate, but more importantly, direct competitors are not allowed on your team.

How does it work?

During the four sessions per year, you’ll work with great coaches, transformational content and a community of peers that will challenge you to bring out your best thinking, ideas, and strategies. With each session, the status quo (that which your competitors are focused on) will be turned on its head. Between sessions, the Atticus support team and resource center will keep you focused and on target. You’ll have an Atticus Program Advisor™, an Atticus Resource Advisor™, Advanced Implementation Tools™ (turn-key time management, marketing, staffing, cash flow systems), and a monthly call to energize your plans.

What Do Our Clients Say?

I have had the best income in years…working with Atticus.

I take more than 175 days off per year…

We have made strides in revenue growth, systems…I don’t know how we would have succeeded to the level we have had without this coaching…

It’s made a huge difference in my firm and in my life…

I’ve doubled the revenue of the practice. Twice…

I get asked by other attorneys whether they should participate, and I say don’t think about it, don’t examine it. DO IT!

If you want your practice to serve your clients and your team don’t think twice.

$25,500/yr for the first attorney, additional attorneys discounted 20%
$6,000/yr per non-attorney staff

Email to request an application to enroll in this program and to speak with a member of our client services team.


View our FAQ or Contact Us to speak with an Atticus® expert today.