An Atticus Workshop

Atticus Personal Injury Academy

Are you looking to grow your personal injury practice exponentially?
Would you like know how other personal injury attorneys achieved success?
Then join the Atticus Personal Injury Academy™!

Sunday, September 25, 2021 | Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT

Room number to be finalized

3:00 pm-Welcome remarks and introductions
3:15 pm-Keeping Score in Your Law Firm by Craig Goldenfarb
4:10 pm-Creating Process Workflows by Steve Riley
5:00 pm-Cocktails

About the Workshop

If you’re ready to up your game, increase your profits, and run your personal injury practice like a well-oiled machine, then you’re going to like what we have to tell you.

At the encouragement of longtime Atticus coaching clients and personal injury attorneys, Craig Goldenfarb (Florida), Tom Tona (New York), and Herb Auger (North Carolina), applications are being accepted for the new Atticus Personal Injury Academy™.

You know Atticus’ coaching programs help you put in place the foundational elements of a successful law firm and taught you how to plan and take action for its future. However, sometimes it’s an even stronger advantage to be part of a group specifically designed to help attorneys in the same field of practice.


Transparent Collaborative Comparison (a rare opportunity!)

You’ll learn from fellow members and they will learn from you because participants will share their best strategies, metrics, and other valuable data. Not many groups of lawyers can be so transparent and open.

You’ll master operations, finances, compensation and incentive programs, working with vendors, leading your team, and other key factors essential to running a successful personal injury practice.

Collaborative comparison and a willingness to share are expected of all participants.


Identify the names of the Best Resources for PI lawyers - actual nuts and bolts, not just theories

Participants will share contact information for their favorite vendors and resources that serve the personal injury law industry, including: software vendors and specialists; office supply vendors; promotional product companies; bloggers; marketing experts; and many other additional resources.

You’ll find out which vendors are great to work with and, equally as important, which vendors to avoid!


Push each other to the next level

You’ll be in a group of all-stars. Fellow participants will encourage you and hold you accountable. The great all-stars in their field always improved under the tutelage of a great coach. Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson. Patrick has Sponge Bob.

If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ll admit that even you sometimes need a push or challenge to get you out of your comfort zone so that you can get closer to achieving your goals.

Who is leading this program?

Practice Advisor and Attorney Steve Riley and Attorney Craig Goldenfarb will co-lead the workshop. Steve spent a decade of his 30+ year legal career focused on building a successful personal injury practice. Craig is the founder and CEO of The Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, P.A., a plaintiff’s personal injury law firm in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Steve Riley, Attorney & Certified Practice Advisor

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 30 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

Steve has a way of getting attorneys to see where they might be “stuck” in running their practices and guiding them through a process of self-discovery to implement impactful, sustainable change.

He knows their unique path because he walked it.

Craig Goldenfarb, Esq.

Mr. Goldenfarb is the founder and CEO of Law Offices of Craig Goldenfarb, a Personal Injury firm with two offices in Southeast Florida. His main office is in West Palm Beach. He founded his law firm in 2002, after working for other Plaintiff’s law firms for about seven years, after graduating from the University of Florida Law School.

Since 2002, he has grown from one lawyer (him) and one staff member, to almost 70 employees and 11 attorneys. Through his Atticus coaching, which began almost simultaneously with when he formed his law firm, he has shifted from being an attorney to being a full time CEO. He has developed his skills in using technology, leadership strategies, mindset management, time management, and other Atticus techniques to create a well run business that has been recognized as a “Top Workplace” in South Florida to work by the Sun Sentinel, for the last several years in a row.

Craig lectures nationally on the topic of law firm management techniques. He is the founder and lead speaker at a seminar he created called “Seven Figure Attorney”, where he provides the “secret sauce” for his success, to other Plaintiff’s attorneys. See, for more details.

How many members will be in this group?

We are limited to 35 members. There is an application process to narrow it down to those who are up to the challenge. We want to keep the group manageable, but at the same time find a good number for a diversification of opinions and approaches.

What are the criteria for participation?

  1. You must be coachable. You must be up to playing a bigger game. And a bigger game may be bigger revenue, profits, or taking a greater amount of time off from your business so it can grow without being more founder dependent. If you think you are “the best”, you probably aren’t willing to look at yourself.
  2. You must be willing to share. You will need to bring something to the party other than an appetite and a blank hard drive to copy the work of others. You will be expected to help and contribute to the learning environment of this group by sharing your best practices and ideas.
  1. You must be humble. This is tough. All of Atticus clients are high achievers; but it doesn’t mean your idea is the only way to do it. If you can’t be open to other approaches to similar problems this is not the workshop for you. Your idea may not always be the best. Be open, gracious, and supportive of others. (It also makes it easier to refer a case to you if you are supportive and kind to others).
  2. You must have a growth mindset. At this point in your career, if we must explain what that means, then the Academy is not a good fit for you.

How Much is My Investment?

In addition to your current Atticus coaching program, your investment for this workshop is:
If you are actively enrolled in an Atticus group coaching program or are currently working one-on-one with an Atticus coach:
  • Dominate Your Market®
  • Practice Growth Program™
  • Practicum (one-on-one)

$1995 $995

Atticus Alumni (former coaching program clients)


New Atticus Members


Details & Registration

Atticus Personal Injury Academy Workshop

 When does it start?

Sunday, September 25, 2021

Where will it be held?

Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT
Room number to be finalized

I’m interested, what’s next?

Once registered, you will receive a short video with logistics details and will have the opportunity to ask questions via email.


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