An Atticus Webinar

Take Control of Your Time to Better Manage Your Practice

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
3:00p – 4:00p (EST)


How big could your practice get and how much more could you accomplish if you weren’t overwhelmed by emails, phone calls, or people poking their heads in your office door to ask “one quick question?”

There always seems to be more things for you to do than there is time in which to do them. So, what do you do? Suffer until retirement? Allow your personal relationships, or even worse yourself, to wither and die in sacrifice to your profession? None of that is necessary.

Having control over your time and understanding where to focus your efforts is the key. You’ll market more profitably, train your staff more effectively, and get more time to spend with the people you love.

Take the first step by attending no-cost, no frills power hour webinar led by Attorney and Atticus Adjunct Practice Advisor, Michele Fuller, and Atticus Director of Client Services, Denise Gamez.


Meet the Webinar Panelists

Michele Fuller

Attorney and Adjunct Practice Advisor

Michelle owns her own estate planning practice, has children, one of whom is special needs, and produces her own annual trade show called the Special Needs Planning Symposium. Michele is a time management master and can help you understand tolerations, how to get organized, when to say no and how to begin to see your life beyond the seemingly endless forest of obligations that surround you.

Denise Gamez

Atticus Director of Client Services

For over eight years, Denise has helped attorneys grow thriving practices in a sustainable and intentional way using Atticus coaching processes. She has worked with hundreds of solo and small firm attorneys to diagnose issues in their practice holding them back from growth and satisfaction and implementing time management processes, staff training plans, and client development strategies.