Learn the three key reasons why it’s crucial to keep your law firm’s support team moving forward on casework without losing momentum during a shelter-in-place pandemic – and how to keep them motivated, accountable and focused.

Attorney and Atticus Practice Advisor Steve Riley will lead this discussion on specific actions you can take to improve how you lead your team remotely and grow a thriving practice.

Download the webinar materials:


Steve Riley

Attorney & Certified Practice Advisor

An award-winning attorney, Steve has practiced law for nearly 30 years and has coached lawyers for more than 20 years. He built his practice into a million-dollar business using innovative law firm management and marketing strategies and skills. He is a Certified Practice Advisor, guiding law firms as a consultant and coach. An inspiring and challenging educator, Steve has created several programs for leading attorneys to success, including the Double Your Revenue™ workshop (featured in LawyersUSA), and the Practice Growth Program™ and Dominate Your Market™ programs.