Atticus Law Firm and Attorney Coaching Workshops


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Here at Atticus, we have a Double Your Revenue™ Workshop. It’s a one-day workshop designed to help lawyers do just that: double their firm’s revenue. 

We hear lots of attorneys state reasons why they are scared to take part in this workshop. I recently had a conversation with my friend Denise Gamez about these fears.

Denise is the Director of Member Services at Atticus. She started with our company as a salesperson. However, she showed such tremendous talent and understanding of our customers’ challenges that she began doing the Practice Growth Diagnostic which is the first step of the client journey inside of Atticus. She also started speaking on behalf of Atticus at various engagements. 

Today, I’m sharing some of the things Denise and I talked about regarding what scares most attorneys and stops them cold as they go through this one-day workshop for reframing their mindset and up-leveling their firm. 

Fear of Doubling Revenue

The first main fear we hear from attorneys is the entire thought of doubling their revenue.  They think that if they double their revenue, they’ll double everything else: their stress level, workload, staff, and more.

The thing you must understand is that there is a methodology to doubling your revenue. If you don’t understand that, all you see is complexity. However, when you take part in the workshop, you go through this transition and growth process step by step, making it manageable.

Why We Get Stuck

Another thing that gets many attorneys stuck is the fact that they’ve lost their why. This happens in the activity of living and working day-to-day. A law practice is a demanding creature that can suck every moment of your time and energy if you don’t keep track of your why. 

Then, once you lose sight of your why, you start rolling downhill toward burnout. This is when a lot of lawyers start to develop resentment toward their practice.

You need to ask yourself questions like what do I want to get out of my law practice? What great life do I want to create for myself? We dive into this in the workshop. That is one of the biggest ways it helps attorneys.

Hiring A Team

A third fear that comes with taking this workshop is that it will lead to having to hire more team members. What you have to understand is that hiring is an investment, not a cost. However, to get a return on that investment, you have to hire with revenue production in mind. 

For example, if you hire a paralegal and pay them $50,000 a year, they should be producing $150,000 as a target revenue production. The key is, you can’t hire a paralegal, drop work on their desk, and expect that revenue production to just happen. You’ve got to train them properly. We cover this in the workshop as well.

Taking Time Off

Finally, we often get the objection, “I don’t want to take time off.” Many attorneys like their work and don’t think they need vacations. However, it’s all about setting boundaries. 

Some tasks aren’t the highest and best use of your time. You have to learn how to hand them off to another team member and take a break. If you give your brain a break in this way, you will come back with some of the best ideas you’ve ever had for your law firm. This is how real revenue growth can occur.

If you want to learn more about our Double Your Revenue™ Workshop, check out 

Steve Riley

Certified Practice Advisor & Attorney

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

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