Just Because Every Other Lawyer is Doing It Doesn’t Mean You Should with Robert Rose
Lawyers often stick to familiar practices, even if there’s room for improvement through small changes. This applies to marketing strategies too. However, altering your marketing approach can revolutionize your practice’s revenue generation and client retention when executed effectively. In particular, content marketing has the potential to generate referrals and establish reliable income streams. By consistently offering rarely-given answers (RGAs), you can position your practice as the trusted authority in your field.
In the latest episode of Great Practice, Great Life®, marketing and communications strategist Robert Rose joins Steve to discuss the power of content marketing. Robert’s approach to marketing is refreshingly simple yet effective. He also understands the importance of pivoting to something else when a tactic isn’t working. You’ll hear him explain why classic marketing techniques can and should be implemented with newer strategies, why passion for something doesn’t necessarily lead to income generation, and the role of content marketing in providing rarely-given answers. With the right recipe, marketing can become a self-sustaining investment that transforms your practice.
Other topics Robert covers include:
- Rarely given answers (RGAs) usually accompany your FAQs. You’re providing a solution that goes above and beyond the commoditized answer. FAQs act as the source, while the RGA is the focus. An RGA will deliver value to your customer. The question you should ask when it comes to RGAs is, how can I answer the question in a way that’s different from how it’s being answered by everyone else?
- Content marketing is more valuable than advertising. It’s about reaching audiences and–hopefully–changing behavior that works in your favor. Advertising is paying for reach and eyeballs on your product or service. Good content marketing will encourage people to sign up for your newsletter, call you, or do something else you want them to do. You’re delivering something of value to your audience that causes them to want more of that.
- Lawyers don’t always enjoy marketing. They’d rather be lawyering and often default to what works for someone else’s business rather than what will work for yours. But if you take the time to figure out a more personalized marketing plan, you can make your business stand out.
- Attorneys can build their content marketing strategy in three ways.
- Consistency plays the role of value more than frequency. Over time, you’re creating a deep well of resources, answers, or entertainment available to audiences 24/7/365. To do this, you need some kind of resource they can reference: an email newsletter, blog, website, etc. It should be outside the realm of social media, where your thoughts and value content can live.
- The type of consistency doesn’t matter as long as it’s on a schedule people can anticipate, e.g., monthly, weekly, or quarterly.
- Content marketing is a long game and a value investment. It takes time to build your audience and change their behavior.
If you want to learn more about content marketing, check out https://atticusadvantage.com/episode029.
Steve Riley
Certified Practice Advisor & Attorney
Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.