Doubling your firm’s revenue sounds awesome but — in its current state — could your law firm pull that off?

Find out if your law firm has what it takes to take on the “Double Your Revenue Challenge”. You’ll use a self-scoring tool to reveal whether you (as a law firm owner) and your team (if you have one) are strong enough to achieve significant growth over the next 12 months or if there are weak areas in your practice that you need to recondition before you can go for the gold.

Workshop Leader

Steve Riley

An award-winning attorney, Steve has practiced law for nearly 30 years and has coached lawyers for more than 20 years. He built his practice into a million-dollar business using innovative law firm management and marketing strategies and skills. He is a Certified Practice Advisor, guiding law firms as a consultant and coach. An inspiring and challenging educator, Steve has created several programs for leading attorneys to success, including the Double Your Revenue workshop (featured in LawyersUSA), the Practice Growth Program, and the Dominate Your Market program.


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