Atticus Law Firm and Attorney Coaching Workshops


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Upcoming Webinars

Our live and recorded webinars are hosted by our Practice Advisors, and cover key topics related to practice growth, management, revenue, and much more.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 12:00–12:45 p.m. ET

Avoid the High Cost of Turnover:
Proven Strategies to Recruit, Engage, and Retain Team Members

Webinar Recordings

May 22, 2024

Empowerment Through Law Firm Compensation: Maximizing Law Firm Success

May 7, 2024

Legal Legacy: Navigating Law Firm Exit Planning

April 19, 2024

Unlocking Profitability: Mastering the Golden R.U.L.E.S

March 07, 2024

Empower Your Team, Skyrocket Your Profits: Master Legal Client Intake

February 13, 2024

Mastering Referrals: Creating an Evergreen Referral System

January 18, 2024

Legal AI Unleashed: 7 Strategies for a Future-Ready Practice

December 05, 2023

2024 Law Firm Goals – Creating a Growth Plan

October 30, 2023

Holiday Marketing Strategies Business Growth Through Gratitude

October 05, 2023

Delegating to a Domestic Assistant – Life Balance For the Busy Lawyer

September 27, 2023

Marketing Retreats For Lawyers – Creating a Pathway to Success

August 14, 2023

Finding Joy in Parenting: Time Management for Attorneys

August 10, 2023

The Unspoken Truth – Impactful Ways to Reduce and Minimize Lawyer Anxiety

August 2, 2023

Attorney Work-Life Balance – How to Plan a Family Vacation

July 27, 2023

Building a Strong Law Firm Culture Part 3: Cultivating a Championship Team

July 19, 2023

Attorney Time Management Strategies: Profitability and the Power Hour

July 13, 2023

Increase Profitability and Efficiency in Your Law Practice

June 27, 2023

LinkedIn for Lawyers – Growth Opportunities for Your Law Firm

June 6, 2023

Building a Strong Law Firm Culture – Part 1: Correcting Time Management and Marketing Mistakes

June 1, 2023

Referral Marketing – How to Cultivate New Business

May 4, 2023

Preventing Lawyer Burnout – Investing in Peak Performance

April 18, 2023

Law Firm Compensation – How to Attract the Right Behavior

April 06, 2023

The Billable Hour Law Firm Webinar – Understanding Growth Strategies to Maximize Profits

March 13, 2023

The Virtual Law Firm – Build, Develop, and Master Virtual Teams

March 02, 2023

Law Firm Hiring – Strategies to Attract and Retain Talent

February 02, 2023

Marketing, Promotions, and Relationships – Elevating Women Lawyers

January 05, 2023

How to Grow Your Law Firm: Setting Goals for 2023.

December 06, 2022

Overcoming Lawyer Burnout – Breaking the Cycle

October 20, 2022

Attorney Time Management: First Step to Financial Success

October 19, 2022

Lawyer Referral Marketing – How to Cultivate Relationships

October 18, 2022

Solo Attorneys – What is Your Time Worth?

October 12, 2022

Holiday Marketing Guide for Lawyers

September 27, 2022

Law Firm Marketing – Taking Referrals to the Next Level

September 20, 2022

Leveraging LinkedIn for Your Law Practice

August 16, 2022

Law Firm Strategies – How to Increase Profit by Managing Interruptions

June 25, 2022

Reversible Errors – How to Improve Your Practice and Your Life

July 19, 2022

As An Attorney What Is Your Time Worth?

June 16, 2022

Dad Lawyer or Parent – How to Win at Both

June 16, 2022

Lawyer Salary – Am I Making What I’m Worth

June 15, 2022

Am I A Referable Lawyer Webinar

June 15, 2022

Breaking Through Lawyer Burnout

May 18, 2022

The True Cost of Law Firm Interruptions

April 27, 2022

Anxiety and the Law: Overcoming Lawyer Burnout and Creating Balance Webinar

March 8, 2022

How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers

February 2, 2022

Time Management for 2022 Webinar

January 04, 2022

Goal Setting Planning for Growth, Actions you need to take now! Webinar

October 14, 2021

Parenting, Partnering and Practicing: How to Carve Out Time for a Family Vacation

September 16, 2021

Parenting, Partnering and Practicing: The Battle Between Domestic Chores vs Parenting and The Power of a 15-Minute Sprint

July 06, 2021

Parenting, Partnering & Practicing

February 10, 2021

5 Ways to Massively Increase Your Law Firm’s Profitability Registration


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