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Balancing professional life with parenthood can seem monumental, especially when faced with additional challenges such as raising children with special needs. One woman who has expertly navigated this path is Michele Fuller, a nationally recognized attorney, author, and award-winning lawyer specializing in special needs planning. In this post, we will dive into Fuller’s journey and extract valuable lessons that can inspire and guide professionals grappling with similar situations.

Special Needs Planning and Settlement Planning 

Michele Fuller’s work as a special needs planning attorney centers on providing real-life solutions rather than theoretical advice. Her focus on settlement planning allows her to work towards preventing adverse outcomes for plaintiffs in cases of birth trauma or other catastrophic injuries. Fuller’s work satisfies her intellectually and provides her with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Lesson: Having a clear focus on how your professional expertise can directly impact people’s lives can enhance job satisfaction and fulfillment. 

Recovery Protection and Litigation Planning 

Fuller’s reputation in special needs planning extends to the intricate realm of recovery protection and litigation planning. Her job is to protect a law firm’s interests during settlements and navigate the complexities of settlement planning. 

Lesson: Professional reputation is a significant factor in career advancement and gaining challenging and exciting opportunities. 

Self-Perception and Creating a Plan 

One of the most important factors in Fuller’s success has been her ability to self-reflect and create a plan for the future. She emphasizes the need to focus on solving immediate problems and planning for long-term growth and success. 

Lesson: Career growth requires both problem-solving in the present and strategic planning for the future. 

Balancing Parenthood and Career Growth 

Michele Fuller’s journey is a testament to the fact that balancing a demanding career with parenting is possible. Despite raising two children with special needs, she established a successful law practice. Her story underlines the importance of efficient processes within a law firm and savvy marketing in an attorney’s career. 

Lesson: With the right processes in place, balancing career growth with parenting responsibilities is possible. 

Balancing Parenthood and Career Success 

Fuller’s experience illustrates the pressures of practicing law and parenting and how these dynamics have changed over time. She believes that the positive constraint of having a hard deadline can make us incredibly efficient at work. 

Lesson: Setting clear boundaries and deadlines can increase productivity and efficiency. 

Discovering Potential and Embracing Growth 

One of the keys to Fuller’s success has been her ability to recognize her potential and be coachable. She believes in charging a fair fee for services and the value of being known as the best in one’s field. 

Lesson: Recognizing your potential and being open to coaching and learning is crucial for professional growth. 

Building Flexibility and Pursuing Growth 

Fuller’s journey underscores the importance of building flexibility in our thinking and pursuing growth despite obstacles. She managed to get clear on her goals and dreams, which is a crucial aspect of professional success. 

Lesson: Building flexibility in our thinking and remaining committed to our goals is essential for career advancement. 

Gaining Confidence Through Life’s Challenges 

Fuller’s experience demonstrates that courage, self-belief, and resilience can lead to professional growth. She had to make difficult decisions and face failure, but these challenges ultimately led to her success. 

Lesson: Embracing challenges and learning from failures can boost confidence and lead to significant professional growth. 

Embrace Failure, Invest in the Future 

Fuller emphasizes the power of learning from failures, the courage to try something new, and the importance of investing in oneself. 

Lesson: Embracing failure and investing in personal growth can pave the way for future success. 

Earning Greatness Through Hard Work 

Fuller’s journey illustrates the importance of investing in oneself and the courage to make hard decisions. She believes taking risks and challenging oneself is the only way to unlock an extraordinary life and career. 

Lesson: Hard work, determination, and the willingness to take risks are essential to professional success. 

Balancing a demanding legal career with parenting, especially in the context of special needs, requires resilience, tenacity, and strategic planning. Michele Fuller’s journey offers invaluable insights and lessons for professionals navigating similar paths. Her story underscores the importance of self-belief, efficient processes, coaching, flexibility, and the courage to embrace failure and invest in one’s future.

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Steve Riley

Certified Practice Advisor & Attorney

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

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