Atticus Law Firm and Attorney Coaching Workshops


Home / Practice Development Calls  / Driving to Profitability

Cammie HauserThe most important part of running your business is to be sure you are operating at a profit. The question is, how can you finish out this year more profitably than the last? Cammie Hauser, Certified Practice Adviser and profitability guru, provides some tips and techniques to help you drive your firm to profitability in the remainder of 2012,

  •  How is your system designed to yield the greatest return?
  •  Which levers do you need to adjust and how do they affect profitability?
  •  What are the key indicators for your practice and how often do you monitor them?
  •  What can you do today to improve your profitability?

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Atticus, Inc.

This article was written by an Atticus staff member.

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