Atticus Law Firm and Attorney Coaching Workshops


Home / Podcast  / 021: Reggie’s 24 Month Breakthrough: How He Increased Production by 65% and Cut Costs by 60%

As I’m sure you are well aware, we are in a tough economic spot here in America. Many of my colleagues are feeling the pressure from the current economy. You might be feeling it too. 

Because of this, I wanted to take a few episodes of the podcast to talk about and help you think about your practice in the context of protecting profitability and income.

In this episode, I’m going to tell the story of an attorney named Reggie today. Reggie was a bright young lawyer, idealistic and passionate about the law and about bringing justice to the poor. His story provides an amazing example of prioritizing efficiency, overcoming pushback, and implementing specific strategies to make more money as a lawyer.

Tune in and we’ll dive right into Reggie’s story. I’ll also give you nine amazing takeaways that you can apply to your law firm to continue building a great practice and great life.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • How Reggie improved the management of the first firm he worked for and the results of his efforts after just two years.
  • Three key strategies he put in place with the help of a coach.
  • How he carried those strategies onto the next firm he worked at.
  • Why Reggie encouraged his partners to time track.
  • How the billable hour model developed.
  • Nine takeaways from Reggie’s story.

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Supporting Resources:

The Billable Hour Law Firm Webinar

My Great Life® Planner

Slice of History: Reginald Heber Smith and the Birth of the Billable Hour | WilmerHale

Reginald Heber Smith and Justice and the Poor in the 21st Century | John M.A. DiPippa

Justice and the Poor

Steve Riley

Certified Practice Advisor & Attorney

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

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