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Attorneys often struggle with relinquishing control of certain areas of their businesses. Today’s guest, Patti Paz, is an expert at initial client meetings and isn’t a lawyer.

Patti is a law firm’s adjunct practice advisor, paralegal, and team leader. She also co-leads Practice Growth Programs and is Steve’s co-instructor for a program teaching non-lawyers to do initial meetings.

Lawyers frequently conduct their own client intake meetings, but as a non-lawyer, Patti is adept at teaching other non-lawyers how to perform these introductions and save the practicing attorneys time.

How You Save Time and Money and Increase Cash Flow with Delegation

  1. Stop believing you’re the only one who can do it.

It’s hard to relinquish control–especially when you’re accustomed to being the only person in your firm who knows how to do something. But what if you could save hours and increase your firm’s cash flow by delegating a task to another capable team member?

You know the answers to the legal questions, and by conducting all of your initial client meetings, you’re probably giving away free legal advice in addition to valuable time that could be spent on cases instead of intake. By delegating initial client meetings to a qualified team member, you can relieve some stress and focus on the work your clients are paying you for.

  1. Develop a process map.

A visual process map that can be adjusted and improved is vital when you delegate initial client meetings to a team member. Three-quarters of the population are visual learners. By giving them a roadmap, they can follow the steps you’ve outlined to successfully onboard new clients–without disrupting your work. 

If you want to learn more about how to train non-lawyers to conduct initial client meetings, check out

Steve Riley

Certified Practice Advisor & Attorney

Steve Riley has coached attorneys for more than 20 years. His one-on-one coaching focuses on a limited number of top producing attorneys committed to taking their practices to new levels of excellence, profit, and personal success. He also presents at group coaching workshops around the country for individual law firms, state bar associations, and other legal organizations.

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