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Invest 1 hour a month to fuel your law firm’s future

What is the Practice Growth Series?

What You’ll Gain

The Practice Growth Series® is a monthly webinar coaching series complete with downloadable handouts and tools. Each episode provides law firm owners with strategies, processes, techniques, and guidance directly from the Atticus coaching curriculum.

These high-value webinars reinforce what Atticus clients are already learning in our quarterly group-coaching programs (Practice Growth Program® and Dominate Your Market®). They also explore innovations in the legal marketplace and management strategies developed by Atticus Certified Practice Advisors. The topic of each episode is specifically developed to maximize growth in your firm.

If you’re committed to increasing income, decreasing stress, and taking better care of your clients, then this annual, 12-episode webinar series is for you. You’ll find the information timely, relevant, and supportive of a growth foundation in your practice.

Who Leads the Discussions?


Atticus Practice Advisors and guest experts in the areas of:
  • Time management for lawyers
  • Legal marketing and client development
  • Law firm hiring and training
  • Practice management and profitability


Atticus Alumni (law firm owners who’ve “been there, done that”) and Thought Leaders in the areas of:
  • Legal technology
  • Human resources
  • Business validation
  • Life-work balance

Why Subscribe to the Practice Growth Series?

Top 4 Reasons Why Law Firm Owners Should Attend

Exclusive Materials

Continually updated forms, processes and systems based on our 25 years of consulting experience with input from some of the brightest minds developing legal management programs today as well as systems developed and used by some of the most successful law firms in the country. Many of these are unique to our highly successful management programs.

Thought Leader Speaker

The series is hosted by a different expert every month drawn from our Certified Practice Advisors, highly successful practicing attorneys and Legal Industry experts. You will hear leading-edge concepts and real-world management tips and techniques from some of the most successful practitioners in the country.

State of Our Industry Insight

Want to know the latest and greatest practice management processes and systems meant for your practice? Join us on our monthly webinars and learn what drives success among the best of the best in the legal industry. Learn the impact of social media, advertising, marketing, computerization and the growth of the on-line legal business are having on your practice and how you can turn everything to your advantage.

Timely, Relevant Knowledge

The latest information delivered to you while it’s still relevant to your practice. Tips that meet the needs addressed by tech-savvy consumers as well as business management processes that have stood the test of time and made even more relevant by the current state of technology in the legal industry.

The Practice Growth Series® provides law firm owners with strategies, processes, techniques, and guidance directly from the Atticus coaching curriculum.

When are new episodes broadcast?

Each new Practice Growth Series episode is held at 12p EST on the 2nd Thursday of every month.
As a member you’ll be sent reminder emails with links to each new episode prior to the broadcast date. You’ll also have access to the complete PGS Archive, should you miss a live broadcast or just want to explore past episodes.

What our clients are saying


Read what Atticus clients are saying about the benefits of our services, and how their practices have grown and prospered with by utilizing our methods.

I have attended two [Atticus Programs] in Orlando and was very impressed with the structure of the seminars. Although the workshops were intense, I found the material and the coaches to be extremely thought-provoking and the time moved quickly. Your identification of the significant issues facing attorneys, both professionally and personally, is right on point and certainly resonated with me and my associates. We are excited to continue implementing your recommendations and to further our partnership with Atticus.

Wade Adams

I found [Atticus] both uplifting and informative. I wish I had gone to such a seminar when I first started out. What amazed me was it is not too late! I am going to implement many of the suggestions I learned from [Atticus]. Thank you so much! I would encourage any practitioner, whether just starting out – or having practiced for years, to attend your seminar. There's definitely something there for everyone.

Elaine A. Barbour

The lessons I learned from [Atticus] are already making a difference. My days are much less stressful, and I feel like I am in control of my practice for the first time in several years. I'm happier. My law partner is happier. My staff is happier, and my wife is happier. Although my practice is not yet where I want it to be, I am on the road to that destination. After attending the [Atticus Program], I finally have a clear map for the path ahead. My only regret is that I didn’t attend years earlier.

John Primeau Butler & Primeau

I believe that if I implement the principals I learned at Atticus, Atticus will prove to be a life-changing experience. I have been trying to block time, attend marketing events, lunches, etc... and just improve every aspect of my practice. I have been going home on time and I have been much more productive at the office. I have been establishing and rekindling relationships with attorneys and other professionals who will be referring quality business to my office.

David Shuler Shuler Law Firm, LLC

The [Atticus Program] was a truly eye-opening and transforming experience. The systematic, common sense approach employed by the presenters opened up a sense of possibility to the notion that the practice of law can be, and should be, both a learned profession and a profitable entrepreneurial venture.

Karl Burgunder

It is not your father's CLE experience. The [Atticus Program] is designed to rebuild your practice by challenging your assumptions and giving you the tools to begin anew. I found the [Atticus Program] to be informative, engaging, and valuable, as the time spent away from the practice was well worth it. I recommend [Atticus] to any attorney who desires to become a better businessperson.

Brian Thompson Day Pitney LLP

[Atticus] provided a comprehensive, systematic approach to transforming our law firm from a successful provider of legal services to an extremely well-run law business that provides exceptional client experiences as well as results. We were impressed with the content of this program and are excited about implementing what we learned.

Mindy L. Zoghlin The Zoghlin Group, PLLC

Upcoming Episodes & Topics

2024 Practice Growth Series Webinar Schedule

Jan. 11, 2024 - 10 Ways to Optimize Your Website for More Clients in 2024 + -

Shawn Leamon & Mark Metzger
Do you want more business, more revenue, and more GREAT clients in 2024? Shawn Leamon, CEO of LaGrande Marketing and author of Digital Marketing, will walk you through exactly how to do this with 10 of the most impactful ways to bring high quality clients into your firm in 2024.

Feb. 8, 2024 - A Fresh Look at Law Firm Budgeting + -

James Joseph & John Tucker 

Law school equips you with the legal acumen to navigate courtrooms, but what about the financial intricacies of running a law firm? This episode will offer a critical examination of law firm budgeting, shedding light on the often-overlooked aspect of managing the business side of legal practice. Dismantle the myth that a legal education encompasses all facets of running a law firm as we explore the financial responsibilities crucial for success. We will discuss practical strategies to optimize your law firm budget, from overhead costs to implementing strategic financial planning. Whether you’re a seasoned attorney or a recent graduate, empower yourself with the financial literacy needed to propel your law practice to new heights. Building a good financial foundation and being profitable is what allows your firm to grow in a healthy, sustainable way and allows you to fulfill your firm’s mission and serve your clients well.

March 14, 2024 - Is Your Office Turning People Off? What Nobody Will Tell You + -

Chris Murphy

In the fast-paced world of business, your office is more than just a physical space—it’s a reflection of your company’s identity, values, and culture. In this eye-opening discussion, we delve into the subtle yet powerful ways your office environment might be impacting your brand image and employee morale. Drawing parallels from the world of marketing, we reveal the often-overlooked connection between office aesthetics and the perceptions formed by clients, partners, and employees.

April 11, 2024 - 5 Conversational Strategies for the Anxious Marketer + -

Brenda Geiger & Ronnie Morton

In our upcoming episode, Atticus Practice Advisors and Attorneys Brenda Geiger and Ronnie Morton address the anxiety around marketing within the legal profession. They share five conversational strategies, drawing on the techniques they’ve used to authentically connect with potential clients and cultivate referral sources in their community. From crafting compelling narratives to confidently navigating client interactions, they share how to turn conversations into client connections. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or part of a legal team, learn techniques that set you apart and attract clients to your practice.

May 9, 2024 - Is Social Media Advertising Right for Your Firm? + -

Aaron Rothert & Victor Medina 

Join Atticus® Practice Advisors and Attorneys, Aaron Rothert and Victor Medina, as they explore the role of social media advertising for law firms in today’s digital landscape. They will discuss audience targeting, effective platform utilization, and how to maintain professional credibility. In this episode, you will learn the potential benefits and pitfalls of using social media advertising, from brand awareness to client engagement.

June 13, 2024 - Hot Topics w/ Shawn McNalis + -

Shawn McNalis 

Atticus® Shareholder, Shawn McNalis, asks colleagues to share lessons they gleaned from solving challenges in their practices. Learn from elite attorneys in the industry, our Atticus® partners and our Atticus® members, who will be sharing a tip or trick that made a game-changing difference in their firm.

July 11, 2024 - Do You Thrive in Chaos? Interruptions are Addictive + -

Patti Paz 

As we try to balance our professional and personal lives, many of us find ourselves unwittingly addicted to interruptions, perpetually distracted and focusing on putting out fires. In this episode, Atticus® Practice Advisor, Patti Paz, will dissect how the chaos impacts our productivity. She will offer actionable steps to regain your concentration through mindfulness techniques, effective time management practices, and strategies that will help you cultivate a focused mindset.

Aug. 8, 2024 - Want Your Team to Up Their Game? Double Down on Getting Reviews + -

Sam Price

In today’s competitive legal market, the key to success lies in the power of positive feedback. This episode will focus on a game-changing strategy to elevate your team’s performance by tapping into testimonials and reviews. 

Sam Price, an Atticus® Practice Advisor and practicing attorney, will discuss practical strategies to encourage and leverage client reviews. From scripting compelling requests to cultivating a client-centric culture within your team, this conversation will provide actionable steps to help you motivate your team through the feedback from your clients. 

Sept. 12, 2024 - Holiday Marketing – How to Stand Out in the Crowd + -

Lori Pulvermacher & Aaron Rothert 

Seeing holiday decorations in August can be a little jarring, but it’s a good reminder that the holiday season will be here before you know it. Without advance planning, the cards and gifts you want to send to clients and referral sources will get lost in the shuffle.

In this episode, we discuss holiday marketing, and show you how your firm can rise above the seasonal noise with an emphasis on ways to authentically connect with your community. Atticus® Practice Advisors, Lori Pulvermacher and Aaron Rothert, will help with the tools and tactics to make your message stand out.

Oct. 10, 2024 - Hot Topics w/ Shawn McNalis + -

Shawn McNalis  

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead requires more than just legal expertise—it demands insight into the strategies that set elite attorneys and their firms apart. In this episode, led by Atticus Shareholder Shawn McNalis, seasoned legal professionals share invaluable tips and tricks that have had a game-changing impact on their practices.

Nov. 7, 2024 - Why Google Business Profile Pages Are Critical + -

Mark Metzger and Shawn McNalis

In the current digital age, your online presence can make or break your business, and at the heart of this virtual landscape lies the indispensable Google Business Profile. In this episode Atticus® Practice Advisors and Attorneys, Mark Metzger and Victor Medina, will explore the pivotal role that Google Business Profile Pages play in shaping your brand’s visibility and reputation. Learn how an optimized profile can be a game-changer by attracting potential A clients and establishing credibility in your community. Elevate your online presence, capture the attention of your target audience, and ensure your business is unmistakably visible where it matters most.

Dec. 12, 2024 - End of Year Review and Starting 2025 on Your Best Foot + -

Mark Powers

As we approach the close of another year, it’s time to reflect, celebrate successes, and set the stage for an even more remarkable 2025. Our very own, Mark Powers, Atticus® President and Shareholder, will facilitate a thorough end-of-year review to determine what valuable lessons were learned so you are able to make impactful plans for the coming year. This call is a great opportunity to bring your team together, pull out the 2024 goals for review, celebrate your achievements and establish 2025 goals.

Get Started

Subscribe to the Practice Growth Series

Subscribe to this invaluable and exclusive series for only $995/year. Simply fill out the form below to start your subscription. An Atticus Client Advisor will then contact you to complete your subscription, verify your details, provide you access to the PGS Archive, and answer any questions you might have.

If you’re already enrolled in select Atticus Programs or One-on-One Coaching, a Practice Growth Series subscription is included with your package. Please Contact Us or your coach if you need assistance accessing the Practice Growth Series resources.



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