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Mark PowersThe end of the year brings an opportunity to gather your team together, pull out the year’s goals for review, and establish next year’s goals. It’s also a good time to review personal and office “tolerations,” and to take care of some office clean up before the end of the year.

Before listening to the recording, list out goals or tolerations for the office. At the very least, choose one team goal that can be accomplished in the first 90 days of 2012. Below are some suggestions.

  • One goal that will increase productivity or profit for the firm.
  • One goal that will allow the office or your team to incorporate a new piece of technology. Let your team decide on what technology they will incorporate, but have the discussion.
  • One goal that will add GREAT value to the clients.

For now, just list out your goals and tolerations. Remember, tolerations can be those things that are inconsistent with the firm’s vision for client care, staff care, efficient production, or profitability. We discuss this on the call, but in the meantime here are a few examples:

  • Piles of files around the office.
  • Pulling appropriate files for long-term storage.
  • Year-end evaluations.
  • Outstanding collections.

On a personal basis, remember tolerations can include your health, exercise, auto or home environments, finance, debt reduction, or savings.

Atticus, Inc.

This article was written by an Atticus staff member.

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